Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok...I was pondering this morning and I figured out that between Ben, Chelsea, Tyler and I, we have had 14 surgeries! Wouldn't one think that that could possibly be sufficient for our needs? I mean, what is the average number of surgeries a person has to endure in this life time? Well....just a little note to who ever up there is handing out memos. We are DONE!!! Thank you very much. Maybe someone could grab a few of those ministering angels and trump down a cease and desist on surgeries at the Gould residence!! AMEN TO THAT !!!!
I was also thinking about morning glory and my linen skirt that I wore to church yesterday. As I was pressing it, I thought to myself....why am I pressing this linen skirt? It's "suuupoooosssed" to look wrinkled! Isn't it? Who thought of this? And why couldn't we add a few other items to this category of things that are "supposed to look like this", like....morning glory, dusty shelves, dirty windows, age spots, saggy body parts, and any other thing that happens to make you crazy, so that when people would notice these things they would make the comment to themselves, Oh! That's "supposed to look like that"! Ya. That's the ticket! I think that will work for all of us.
I posted just some random pictures of us that I wanted to share with you. Life is good. Love is great. And laughing is the funnerest!

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Sooo fun to read you,Shell! Cute pictures too! Love you lots!
RLS---yuck...go get that med for that!